Carefully consider some important aspects before you design your display:
- Where is your store located and how much time do people have as they pass by your store to look at the retail display?
Another critical point to remember is the direction from which most potential customers will pass by the window display. Carefully consider the display orientation and adapt your product placement to reflect the viewing direction of the store window layout. This is especially important if you are incorporating text or want to tell a story. The basic rule: the customer sight line typically runs from top left to bottom right and from the bottom up and down again - like a pyramid.
You should always place your focal products at eye level, as this is most visually engaging and makes it easier to notice them. This typically corresponds to a height of about 1.60 meters (five foot two). An eye-catching display also makes potential customers want to linger to get a closer look. Moving decorative components are a popular choice in this setting.