Technological development is progressing rapidly, which is also evident in the retail technology market. What does this mean for EuroCIS?
Moebius: “We all hear and read about the big megatrends, especially artificial intelligence. I find it extremely exciting to experience live at EuroCIS every year how these trends are reflected in practical retail applications.
These include sensors that can be easily integrated into shelves or shopping trolleys and thus provide information on stock levels or shopping baskets. There is automated age recognition, which makes transactions at self-service checkouts much easier, or the streamlined check-out process at Pick&Go stores, where checkout queues are a thing of the past. Personalised product recommendations, which can be created quickly and appropriately thanks to generative AI, are meeting consumer tastes more than ever before. I can think of many more examples.
Numerous retail companies are making progress here and have a great interest in being able to experience these innovations up close in one place.”