
Colourful, glowing lines representing data streams flow over a dark, technical surface with diagrams and symbols; Copyright: Adobe Express

Supply chain planning: using forecasts to optimise stock levels


One of the strengths of AI is deriving predictions from big data. RELEX Solutions specialises in this data-driven forecasting for the supply chain. Ramona Saager explains what this means for retailers in concrete terms.
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A chain of transparent links with digital data inside, illuminated by blue and orange light; Copyright: Adobe Express, generated with AI

Blockchain as a core component of cybersecurity in the retail industry


In the digitalised retail industry, cyber security is becoming a top priority. The demand for security solutions is rising due to increasing cyber attacks. Retailers need to protect sensitive customer data, among other things.
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A colorful bikini, next to it a smartphone with a product description and a label with a QR code; Copyright: bonprix

Digital product passport: transparency at bonprix and s.Oliver


Customers care about the environmental footprint of products and are demanding more transparency. The fashion companies bonprix and s.Oliver use technical tracing solutions to provide information about the origin and the environmental impact.
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A big orange robotic arm carrying a container in a huge warehouse; Copyright: Walmart

Walmart Canada’s supply chain gets a high-tech makeover


Walmart Canada is making investments in the modernization of its distribution centres: the goal is to transform the supply chain with robotics and automation.
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Fruit and vegetable department of a SPAR supermarket in Austria; Copyright: SPAR/Foto Karg

AI-assisted inventory management and shelf planning in food retail


Optimal inventory management is important in food retail. Food waste can be combated with the help of AI and precise predictions of purchasing behavior.
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A self-driving robot (example image for a CaPow robot); Copyright: JulieStar / Envato Elements

Perpetual power delivery solution for mobile robots


In an expansion outside of Europe, the first-ever perpetual power delivery platform revolutionizes warehousing operations by supplying a non-stop power flow to robotic solutions while in motion, enabling 100% operational uptime
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A self-service shelf for bakery products with many compartments; Copyright: Shop-IQ

AI for baking stations: Freshness is king


The Smart Bakery Box, an AI-driven system, analyzes the sales figures of self-service baking stations and determines the optimal production quantity.
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A ship full of Maersk containers; Copyright: Bestseller

Bestseller joins a pioneering voyage


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Wing Drone Carrying Walmart Delivery; Copyright: Walmart

Walmart and Wing provide drone delivery


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A self-driving robot on a the sidewalk in front of a lawn; Copyright: Bill Nino/Unsplash

Supply chain adoption of mobile robots will far outpace drones


Smart mobile robot adoption in supply chains is growing rapidly and will far outpace drones over the next three years, according to Gartner, Inc.
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Booklets on the shelf; copyright: Unsplash/Maarten van den Heuvel

Sustainability reporting becomes mandatory


The critical view of CO2 emissions and many other sustainability issues is increasing. Soon, no one will be able to avoid taking appropriate measures and communicating them.
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black dressed female gorilla rider with backpack and helmet riding a bicycle; copyright: Gorillas

Groceries in Ten Minutes – A Review of Delivery Services


“Supermarkets hate us” (German: Supermärkte hassen diesen Trick) – that’s the advertising slogan of the Berlin-based startup Gorillas. Founded in May 2020, the bike delivery service – along with providers like Flink and getir
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