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Customer wishes at the center of retail

Dear Sir or Madam,

Sustainable, seamless, shopper-friendly - These terms play a role when it comes to customer demands and the optimal customer journey. That's reason enough to take a look at how they can be integrated - offline or online, isn't it?

But digital and brick-and-mortar also work together - with electronic price labels, for example! In our next retail salsa we will show you, how to achieve the greatest possible impact with the small ingredient ESL.

Would you like to get first-hand insights and inspiration? Come to EuroCIS in Düsseldorf from 31.5. to 2.6. and experience the trade fair live again!

We look forward to seeing you!
Your team of EuroShop

Materials and Surfaces: How nice-to-have aspects turned into must-have elements

Sustainable materials are gaining ground in store design

Materials palette; copyright: umdasch - The Store Makers
We spoke to Swantje Donath, Shop Consultant at umdasch The Store Makers, and asked her: What does environmentally friendly action and equipment actually mean in store construction?
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For operating terminals without an ECR-system.

Computop; copyright: Computop

Small ingredient – big impact

Using digital price tags to whet customers' appetites

Advertising banner for webtalkformat retail salsa; Copyright: iXtenso / EuroShop

They are more than decoration on the plate - electronic price labels on the shelf have enormous potential to save labor time on the floor, inform customers easily and increase sales space. We talk about this in the next retail salsa on 18th of May 2022 at 4 pm. Language: English.

As always, participation is free.

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Banner retail salsa Tech Talks; copyright: iXtenso/beta-web GmbH

There will be even more retail salsa live at EuroCIS 2022 in Düsseldorf - at the Tech Talk! On June 1, we will be talking to experts about automation and AI, smart stores and interactive touchpoints.

Sign up now for free!

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Messe Düsseldorf celebrates its re-start

Many people in Germany outline; copyright: Messe Düsseldorf
After two years of limited trade fair business, we - like the entire industry - are starting up again with events and trade fairs in the spring!
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A revolution in retail and gastronomy temperature measurement

Hand holding tablet; copyright: IRS Synstores
Online system for automatic temperature monitoring and recording according to EN 12830:2018 standard.

Omnichannel: Introducing splendor, luxury, and glamorous Jewelry

Italian luxury and fine jewelry brand Bulgari launches its innovative online flagship store on Tmall

Screenshot des Onlineshops von Bulgari; Copyright: Bulgari/Tmall
Bulgari has launched a "Bulgari Flagship Store" with Tmall Luxury Pavilion, Alibaba Group's luxury platform. It is the first boutique of an international luxury brand to take up the idea of an innovative flagship store on Tmall.

EuroShop@Social Media

Graphic: Social Media Icons
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EuroShop - The World´s No. 1 Retail Trade Fair, Feb. 26 - March 02, 2023

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Portal editorial team: beta-web GmbH /
Newspartner: EHI, beta-web GmbH /

Footer with EuroShop Trade Fair Logos; copyright: Messe Düsseldorf
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Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Messeplatz, Stockumer Kirchstr. 61
40474 Düsseldorf, Germany

Phone: +49 211 4560-01
Fax: +49 211 4560-668

County Court Düsseldorf HRB 63

Board of Managing Directors: Wolfram N. Diener (Chairman), Marius Berlemann, Bernhard J. Stempfle

Chairman of Supervisory Board: Mayor Dr. Stephan Keller

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