

Tyndal Europe S.A.

The future in illuminated signs and displays ... today

Tyndal europe SA is a company offering an innovative technology to be used in the outdoor sign and in-store communication market.

Tyndal europe SA has been created in Switzerland June 22nd, 2004.

Tyndal europe has obtained an exclusive continent dealership from Tyndal International for the commercialisation of the Tyndal products in 40 European countries, through exclusive country dealers.

The Tyndal signs and displays consist of a certain number of layers of acrylic that have been assembled. Each layer is treated (sandblasted, engraved, silk screen printed, …) according to a creative design and thus can contain a logo, a text or an illustration/image or a combination. Each layer is lit with high quality LEDs resulting in a dynamic (color) animation. The Tyndal technology is patented in nearly all industrialized countries. The product is CE certified.

The most obvious USPs of Tyndal signs and displays are the high attention value due to the movement on a static surface, the safety, the outdoor and instore usage, the low energy consumption and the durability.

Desk and field research have shown that currently there is no other technology guaranteeing the same result. The only possible competition comes from plasma techniques which are very expensive and for instore use only. The neon signs companies are 10-20% cheaper however with static, high consumption and short life products.

The targeted market is A-brand companies, i.e. multinationals, nation-wide activity companies, advertising agencies, etc.

Currently we have exclusive dealers in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom and Switzerland and we are finalising negotiations in Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Italy, Austria and Romania.