


Refrigerated fish counter with back static cooling

The Tournus fish counter with back cooling boosts the sales of the fish dpt. Furthermore, it provides the best conditions of food hygiene and contributes to the reduction of the working cost.
This fish counter improves the presentation of the fish. It is made-to-measure, taking the layout of the shop into consideration. The shape is specially designed with a front rounded tube together with non-rigid dimensions. The lighting enhances the fish which is put on a smaller bed of ice.
The rear static back cooling guarantees the good temperature of the fish between 0 and +2°C, according to the European regulations. The glass protection in front avoids contamination of the fish or shellfish from the customers.
The falling over glass protection makes the load of the fish easier. The wash-down facility, after the opening of the shop, allows the melting of the ice during the night without any need of unloading. So, the time of handling is reduced and the staff devotes much more time to the sale.