

Gruschwitz GmbH

Press release

Press release

Revolution in the building industry
More Light – with concrete
“HeidelbergCement” breaks new ground with light-transmissive concrete – and the Gruschwith Ltd. is part of it

For a long time Architects and property developers needed to decide between: concrete or light?
Both together were just not possible – but things will change with the future material Luccon. Developed by the HeidelbergCement plc was the first light-transmissive that will open incredible new doors for the creative people in the building industry. “We are able to achieve totally new effects with this new material especially in the interior fittings” adores Wolgang Gruschwith of this possibility. The Architect and Developer from Munich will exclusively introduce this revolutionized building material all over Europe and they see a large variety of possibilities for its application, as in interior fittings and store building:
“Transparent reception counters or store counters – stable like concrete and light-transmissive like rice paper, shine trough partitions, shower separations or interior walls – a variety of options will be possible with Luccon” says Gruschwitz, whose company is responsible for the successful interior fitting of the Allianz-Arena-Shops.

This striking effect will be possible through light conducting fabrics, which will be incorporated the concrete and convey the brightness with low-loss.
Fabric fiber follows concrete layers rotationally and with the contingence of light conducting layers increases the amount of the translucent light.
Specialists of HeidelbergCement were able to optimize the extremely complex and expensive production processes, so that a small production model could start in foreseeable future. 3 standards sizes with an edge length up to 30 x 90 centimeter and a maximize intensity of 10 centimeter are already available today, different measurement are possible on request.

Further Information:
Gruschwitz GmbH, Tizianstr. 53, 80638 München, Germany,
Tel. 004989/3090590, Fax 004989/30905929 ,
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creative navigation, Catharina Niggemeier, Elsässer Str. 34,
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