21 November:
When I checked out of the hotel in the morning (of course my cruddy road bike was always with me; the serious cyclists among you will understand), I was sent into a panic when I suddenly noticed a relatively soft front tire. Might the countless branches on the streets and paths yesterday have damaged the tube? It goes without saying that I, a natural-born optimist, hadn’t brought my floor pump along.
All the bike stores in the area were still closed, and no service appeared to be available anywhere before 12 noon at the earliest. All I could do was hit the road with my “comfort tires”. Uli, the always-perfect organiser and driver of the service car, located a “Fiets Specialist” right along my planned route, about 20 kilometres from the start. So that’s where I headed. Wordlessly but expertly, a helpful lady gave me the “air refill” I needed. I was ready to push forward, now on my reinstated sports tires.
On a day with much less wind but also absolutely zero sun, I made my way through countless little Dutch villages and towns. My view all day: greenhouses, pastures, fields, dykes and cows. Some of the bicycle paths went on straight for kilometres on end paralleling a motorway, but every single one of them was perfectly built out, sometimes even featuring multiple lanes and dedicated traffic lights. Most of the riding surfaces were great, apart from the musty layers of leaves that weren’t just unsightly but also as slippery as a bar of wet soap. Curves had to be taken with extreme caution. After about 65 kilometres, my support team forced me to make a pit stop. A hot cup of tea (which I didn’t really need now that it was 14 degrees Celsius) and a dry piece of pizza bread provided me with the sustenance that carried me the remaining kilometres to Rotterdam. I had to negotiate some less beautiful portions with excellent views of the motorway, but the approaching finish made up for all that and set free powers I’d never suspected I had. After precisely 113 kilometres, I could see the finish line in the centre of Rotterdam, signifying the end of my self-imposed “Tour of EuroShop". Trekking 233 kilometres in about 11 hours of pure riding time with zero crashes, tons of fun and not that many sore muscles, it was a success, once again proving our credo: EuroShop gets things moving!