


ESII presents its best practices for the retail sector to increase the buying opportunities in the areas of sales and offer customers new services

In retailing today, it is essential to manage customers waiting time, their requests and resources / vendors available: the visitor wishes to receive a high level of care with skills relevant to his / her inquiry and less waiting. ESII solutions "Great Shopping Experience ™" specially dedicated to the retail sector meet these challenges: improving the reception of clients and providing innovative services to actively manage the queue (making appointments on the internet or on Smartphone, PDA equipped mobile salesperson, dynamic audiovisual communication to strengthen advertising and informing customers, ...), ESII helps retail industry to multiply buying opportunities in the areas of sales, improve customer loyalty, increase customer satisfaction and optimize resources productivity.
Today ESII solutions have been installed in large retail stores, outlet stores, mobile shops (IKEA, FNAC, CONFORAMA, SFR, SNCF, Air France ...).