SCAN COIN, a leading supplier of cash processing equipment has developed the RCS, Retail Cash System, to help retailers automate the in-store cash centre. The system cost-effectively provides self-service cash supply in the morning and after the shift, offering increased efficiency and staff flexibility combined with significant return on investment.
The RCS is an innovative cash processing solution developed in cooperation with leading international retailers and CIT (cash-in-transit) operators. The aim has been to streamline cash administration and verification procedures so that cashier routines for collecting cash floats and depositing the daily takings are faster and more efficient. Manual back-office operations and time spent can be limited to a minimum.
The RCS handles a number of retail back-office operations, such as coin and (optional) note recycling, coupon administration and facilitates CIT integration. Cash administration and verification procedures can be streamlined, making cash administration more efficient.
At the start of shift, the RCS acts as an automatic coin supplier. After registering with personal ID, the RCS automatically presents the set of coins for the cashier and department selected - directly sorted in the till. Notes are conveniently provided from a note dispenser or a note recycler, provided as an optional side unit. All data can be registered on-line to the retailer’s IT solution and confirmed by a receipt. This eliminates manual preparation of the day’s float, giving a fast, accurate and secure cash count.
During the day, the RCS also serves as a continuous cash supplier, enabling a supervisor to support the cashiers with change when needed. All activities are registered on-line for maximum cash flow control. At the end of the day, the cashier once again registers at the RCS and quickly deposits the shift’s takings. The coins, and notes if this option is chosen, will be safely stored. Repeated and time-consuming manual counting is eliminated, and the risk of mistakes, shrinkage and waiting time is reduced to a minimum.
The RCS builds on SCAN COIN’s forty-year expertise in cash processing systems and solutions. The company has a presence in more than 120 countries served through a network of SCAN COIN companies and distribution partners.