The clothing chain retailer Takko Fashion from Telgte has outfitted more than 1,500 stores in 16 countries with a new cash register system in the course of a store re-launch. The company supplying the cash register software is act’o soft GmbH, Werther (Westphalia - Germany). According to Dr. Torsten Franz, Manager for Processes and Systems at Takko Fashion it was the software’s flexibility, existing references and the ability of the cash register systems’ efficient and centralised control that were the decisive factors for the choice.
Given the fact that there is usually only one cash register for each Takko Fashion store, the greatest challenge consisted in minimising downtime during the conversion process. It was decided that the conversion would be carried out using a two-step process: first the establishment of a stable connection to the central office followed by the actual conversion of the cash register. Franz reported, “that prolonged the process a bit, however, it simplified the conversion and minimised later difficulties.” Today the system named act'o cash is fully integrated into the Takko system landscape according to Franz. “Developments are still on-going as we are continuing to adapt the system to our current processes.” Christian Malachowski (left) and Dr. Torsten Franz (right).
Display screens have been installed with the new registers that display new products and current sales promotions. Cash register staff are now using touch screens to input information. Converting to this new technology only required minimal training. Furthermore, the acceptance of this new system has been exceptionally high among employees both in the stores and in the central office. Franz attributes this clearly to the significant alleviation of effort for a whole host of operating procedures. Even the time required to train new employees has been reduced, because the user interface is far less complex and the proneness to make mistakes has been drastically reduced.