

Visual Retailing B.V.

StyleShoots expands portfolio with breakthrough technology for mannequin photography

Haarlem, The Netherlands, January 31, 2013. At the last edition of EuroShop in 2011 StyleShoots released its first photo machine for product photography, StyleShoots Horizontal. Based on in-­‐house developed technology, the all-­‐in-­‐one photo studio set new standards for flat photography. Today customers are taking advantage of StyleShoots' powerful technology to quickly take photos and have the background cut out automatically, ready for web without retouching. Today StyleShoots is setting the standard again for yet another product category -­‐ automated mannequin photography. With the introduction of StyleShoots Vertical, a completely new system designed from the ground up, customers are taking advantage of optimizing their workflow for mannequin photography. Web-­‐ready images are ready in seconds without requiring any knowledge of professional photography. "Using StyleShoots empowers us to take 4 times more photos in the same time, thereby dramatically reducing our cost while increasing efficiency" according to Jane Hayman of Marks & Spencer in the UK. Press Hands-­‐On event StyleShoots will launch StyleShoots Vertical at EuroShop 2014 in Hall 4 at booth B57. Members of the press are invited on Tuesday morning February 18, 10:00 -­‐ 11:00 for a special press presentation hosted by Anders Jorgensen, Head of Product Development at StyleShoots. About StyleShoots StyleShoots BV was founded in 2012 at the introduction of StyleShoots Horizontal. StyleShoots products are designed, developed and manufactured in The Netherlands. Today StyleShoots photo machines are sold worldwide and have already attracted customers like Marks & Spencer, Perry Ellis, Macy's and many more who use the systems for their product photography for web, catalogues and lookbooks. Contact:,, +31 23 720 09 01.