

Instore Kids Corners b.v.

Rabobank Almere starts the New Year with a kids play area of Instore Kids Corners.

The Rabobank in Almere, on the Grote Markt, choose to place a kids play area near the consult office. Here the children can quietly watch a movie or play a game on the PlayTouch computer while their parents can have a consult with the bank employee.

In the kids play area a Bubble PlayTouch in the colour Rabobank blue and a Bubble Cartoon in Rabobank orange were placed. Beside this the kids play area was furnished with two beautiful hassocks in the Rabobank colours.

The Bubble Cartoon is fitted with a sensor which turns up the volume of the cartoon when there are children in the kids play area and softer when they are not there, which is more pleasant for the bank employees.

Rabobank Almere, location Grote Markt, is the first Rabobank of the new formula in which this concept has been applied.