

K.U.L.T.OBJEKT Ltd. & Co. KG

Leopold by K.U.L.T.OBJEKT

Smart suit and steam machine: Leopold by K.U.L.T.OBJEKT

In the new menswear store Leopold in Heidelberg, the agency K.U.L.T.OBJEKT Marken- und Erlebnisarchitektur stitched breaches of style together into a harmonious world of experience for men.

Leopold sells fashion for men of every age and combines jeans and suits, leisure and business, conventional manufacture and eco-fair newcomers.  In line with this diversity, the spatial concept also throws an arc of suspense from smart suits to the steam machine.
Several massive steel supports from the building structure were integrated into the design concept. The natural stone wall uncovered during the conversion was left in its original state, striking a stark contrast to the suits presented in front of it.
The wall covering photo of a steam machine also strikes a connection to masculine industrial chic.  The historical original motif coming from a pit in Dorsten named “Fürst Leopold” is one of the many subtle accents making the store design distinctive.  Industrial design lamps alternate with antique ventilators, which are modelled on American ones from 1910.  Old motors parade like museum exhibits in two transparent acrylic-glass cabinets, LED illuminated from below.

Staged in lofty height under a ceiling up to 4 metres high, an original motorbike veteran poses on the back cupboard of the area around the cash desk, an RT 125 known as “Reichstyp” (National Model), which comes from the DKW factory in Zschopau and was produced until 1965. The prepared headlight of the antique machine throws a spotlight onto the entrance.  
A gallery taking up part of the room was removed during the conversion and only the five step metal industrial stairs were left which serve for decoration. The vinylbar in the store is a cosy lounge area with two high backed sofas, cocktail table, old-school record player and retro vinyl discs which the customers can listen to here.
Despite many details emanating nostalgia, the store stands apart from the usual vintage looks.  The room character is modern and light, which is ensured by the daylight streaming in through six large display windows down to the floor and the entrance.

Leopold, Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 27, 69117 Heidelberg
Opened: 30th September 2016
Area: 175 sqm
Store concept: K.U.L.T.OBJEKT Marken- und Erlebnisarchitektur, Dresden
Lighting: LED technology  
Range: Alberto, Desoto, CG, Roy Robson, Avour, Maol, K.O.I. Kings of Indigo, Goodsociety Jeans, Armedangels u.a.
Photos: © K.U.L.T.OBJEKT / Daniel Nötzold

Info: Jens Fischer, CEO K.U.L.T.OBJEKT:, mobil: +49(0)151 46463550

With an interdisciplinary alignment, the agency for brand and experience architecture K.U.L.T.OBJEKT develops expressive store concepts and experience areas for retail trade, museums and showrooms.  Taking an innovative and visionary approach, CEO Jens Fischer banks on individuality and differentiation from the mainstream.  The concepts are always developed in close agreement with the owners and operators, and implemented as GU to the turnkey ready handover.
K.U.L.T.OBJEKT combines dramaturgical and scenographic methods from film and theatre with neuropsychological findings as well as a long experience in retail and brand management.  K.U.L.T.OBJEKT uses modern technologies, both for concepts and on the shop floors themselves.

K.U.L.T.OBJEKT is currently researching concepts which make the real world blend with the virtual world on the retail floor and functionally employ augmented reality.  K.U.L.T.OBJEKT premiering as EuroShop 2017 exhibitor will present insights into their performance range, a company which is often an insider tip in industry circles.