

Enjoy Group AB

Impulse refrigerator orders for the Swedish market and refrigerator orders with and without RotoShelf from one of the world's largest soft drink producers for the Nordic market.

Enjoy Group AB has received an order for impulse refrigerator Enjoy 600 with the value of around 2.5 million sek from one of the world's largest manufacturers of open coolers. The coolers will be manufactured in Turkey and delivered to customers during the month of March. The refrigerators will be place in Sweden in Reitan servicehandels commercial kiosks / shops = (Seven Eleven and Pressbyrån)

The world's largest manufacturer of soft drink has informed Enjoy that they for 2012 season will buy the company's need of volume refrigerator from Klimasan Turkey. The settlement includes coolers with and without RotoShelf. The coolers will be placed in stores in Norway and Sweden.

Comment by Enjoys CEO Håkan Sjölander:

An order with a market value of 2.5 million on impulse refrigerator is encouraging and shows that Enjoys developed products are interesting for the market. RotoShelf to Sweden and Norway from one of the world's largest producers are also encouraging. Enjoys patented products RotoShelf-CaruShelf - RotoTrack shown for many customers and interest has never been bigger say Enjoys CEO Håkan Sjölander