Leave your money and your cash card at home and easily pay at the till using your smartphone. In the process, submit digital coupons at the same time which are scanned with the camera. This is no longer just a dream of the future: at the EuroShop 2011, Bizerba will present a till solution with the help of which retailers can implement these near field communication trends.
Customer loyalty via smartphones
E-commerce and stationary retail have long fought for the favour of customers: "Today PC scales and PC tills, software applications and smartphones offer the opportunity to combine the best of both worlds and to lead the customer back to the point of sale“, explains Peter Laudien-Weidenfeller, Director of Global Retail Sales at Bizerba.
Instead of paying by cash card as usual, the customer can pay using his smartphone by online direct debit. He can also digitally manage coupons and redeem these at the till. And if he scans a QR code from the scales display in the fresh goods section, while the member of staff weighs and packages the product, an appropriate recipe is directly shown to him on the smartphone.
"In the process, it requires comparably less effort in terms of hardware and software in order to be able to use these near field communication trends. The Bizerba solution is thus equally suitable for small retailers as it is for large supermarket chains", continues Laudien-Weidenfeller. The installation is possible through the integration of the modular PC scales/till "K-class flex" in the "Retail POS" software from the software manufacturer GK. Applications from Valuephone for mobile payment and mobile marketing complete the installation.
At the till of the future: "I would like to redeem digital coupons"
And so this is precisely how the system works: the customer can scan digital coupons from retailers, service providers or bonus scheme providers with his smartphone and save these in a web-based database from Valuephone. Before he pays for the goods, he registers with the "K-class flex till" by touching a reading device from the company NCR with his smartphone. He can then decide whether the receipt should be transferred so that he can collect further points or whether he would like to transfer previously stored bonus and discount cards to the till in order to secure a better price.
No dead-ends: the system can flexibly grow with NFC trends
In the future, Bizerba will no longer just offer hardware and software but will also combine the expertise of global partner companies. The PC scales/till "K-class flex" is thus designed in accordance with open standards so that they can flexibly grow with the technological trends of tomorrow and can be expanded by further solutions from partner companies. "The new orientation in the direction of collaboration opens up unique opportunities to Bizerba, our partners and customers from all around the world“, says Laudien-Weidenfeller finally. Correspondingly, further solutions for digital merchandising with the partners YeahPoint Australia, Online and Accardo will be able to be seen at the EuroShop. In addition, the PC scales "KH800“ will be on show with the IBM partner software "VisualStore" from S3 (IBM) and the "K-class flex“ with the "d-store" application from the Swiss company POS Systemhaus.
All of the solutions described will be displayed from 26th January to 2nd March at the Bizerba-stand (hall 6, booth E56).
About Bizerba
Bizerba is a leading, worldwide-operating Solutions-provider offering professional system solutions in scale, label, information and food service technologies, in the retail, food industry, producing and logistic segments. Sector-specific hardware and software, high-performance network-compatible management systems as well as a wide selection of labels, consumables and business services ensure transparent control of integrated business processes and high-level availability of Bizerba-specific performance features.
Worldwide, Bizerba is present in over 120 countries – with 41 shareholdings in 23 countries, as well as 54 country distributors. The company’s headquarters, with a staff of 3,000, is located in Balingen, Germany. Further manufacturing facilities are located in Meßkirch, Bochum, Vienna (Austria), Pfäffikon (Switzerland), Milan (Italy), Shanghai (China), Forest Hill (USA) and San Luis Potosi (Mexico).
For enquiries, please contact:
Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG
Claudia Gross
Director Global Marketing and Communication
Wilhelm-Kraut-Straße 65
D-72336 Balingen
Telephone +49 7433 12-33 00
Fax +49 7433 12-5 33 00
E-mail: claudia.gross@bizerba.com
network integrated communication
Patrick Schroeder
Coburger Straße 3
53113 Bonn
Telefon +49 228 620 43 84
Telefax +49 228 620 44 75
E-Mail: patrick.schroeder@nic-pr.de