

Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG

Bizerba: More fresh goods. More communication (hall 6, booth E56)

Bizerba presents new IT solutions for the management of fresh goods and innovations for the self-service sector at EuroShop 2011 together with partner companies.

Bizerba creates room for synergies with a new company orientation. In global partnerships, the right solution can be found in the future for every application in the fresh goods sector. The PC scales work for this purpose in accordance with open standards, are SAP-certified and ARTS-compatible.

With the Generation K class self-service scales, retailers create a more comfortable shopping experience in the self-service sector. The in-built cameras in the devices enable automatic product recognition and thus a quicker weighing process. At the same time, the retailer is protected from any manipulation of the device by the customer. Through active in-store advertising on the display, the profitability of certain products can also be increased in a targeted way. "After a phase of successful pilot projects, the scales are now used, amongst others, by Carrefour in France, the biggest retail business in Europe. In Germany, the system is currently installed in branches of the supermarket chain real,-“, explains Peter Laudien-Weidenfeller, Director Global Retail Sales at Bizerba.

At the EuroShop 2011, the scales are part of a software-supported complete solution, which supports retailers in the process of protecting fresh goods from deteriorating and to thus save costs. Prices can thus be changed flexibly corresponding to the current sale and communicated in real time both to the till, the scales and the electronic shelf labels.

Different expansion stages for every selling situation

The K-class PC scales can be adjusted to various business sizes and selling situations through different expansion stages. They can be used equally in large supermarkets and hypermarkets, as well as in small grocers or mobile stalls.

The installation at the EuroShop is based on a real supermarket. From 26th February until 2nd March, visitors of the Bizerba stand (hall 6, booth E56) can familiarise themselves with all of the functions of the system:

The customer places the goods on the scales. The in-built camera recognises the article automatically with a hit probability of 95 %. The customer only then needs to confirm the product on the touch screen, instead of having to scan a tabulator of around 96 buttons as has been common until now.

Sell fresh goods with a maximum profit margin in good time before they deteriorate

From the back office, the retailer can directly access the till data. Analysis software, such as that from the Swiss company SAF helps the retailer to calculate a new price from the sales figures and the remaining opening time for the remaining stock. The software works with algorithms which are based on many years of experience and thus provide reliable prognosis values. The remaining fresh goods can thus be sold in good time before they deteriorate with a maximum profit. The new price is assumed by the PC scales in real time. At the same time, the electronic shelf labels of the Finnish manufacturer marisense (ELLA) also synchronise themselves. This consistent processing of the data makes the entire IT system between the back office, scales and till fail-safe and fast.

Partnerships create strong synergies

All PC scales are designed so that they can also develop with the technological trends of tomorrow in a flexible way. The open standards enable the system to be extended by software solutions from partner companies at any time. "This new orientation in the direction of collaboration opens up unique opportunities to Bizerba, our partners and particularly our customers from all around the world“, continues Laudien-Weidenfeller. He explains the new flexibility using a further example: "Our customers can also operate software solutions on the Bizerba scales which they already successfully use and would prefer to use again, such as the software solution Store-Line from Retalix“. Finally, Laudien-Weidenfeller says that Bizerba would like to increasingly offer "highly scalable system solutions in the future in addition to hardware and software which combine the expertise of worldwide partners.“

About Bizerba

Bizerba is a leading, worldwide-operating Solutions-provider offering professional system solutions in scale, label, information and food service technologies, in the retail, food industry, producing and logistic segments. Sector-specific hardware and software, high-performance network-compatible management systems as well as a wide selection of labels, consumables and business services ensure transparent control of integrated business processes and high-level availability of Bizerba-specific performance features.

Worldwide, Bizerba is present in over 120 countries – with 41 shareholdings in 23 countries, as well as 54 country distributors. The company’s headquarters, with a staff of 3,000, is located in Balingen, Germany. Further manufacturing facilities are located in Meßkirch, Bochum, Vienna (Austria), Pfäffikon (Switzerland), Milan (Italy), Shanghai (China), Forest Hill (USA) and San Luis Potosi (Mexico).

For enquiries, please contact:

Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG
Claudia Gross
Director Global Marketing and Communication
Wilhelm-Kraut-Straße 65
D-72336 Balingen
Telephone +49 7433 12-33 00
Fax +49 7433 12-5 33 00
network integrated communication
Patrick Schroeder
Coburger Straße 3
53113 Bonn
Telefon +49 228 620 43 84
Telefax +49 228 620 44 75