

Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG

Bizerba: Even the queen of England uses Bizerba labels in her scales (hall 6, booth E56)

Bizerba has even made it into the royal circles now:

together with her family, the Windsors, the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II, has a farm shop in direct vicinity of Buckingham Palace. "Here Bizerba scales and labels are used. We were recently appointed the official supplier of the farm due to our excellent quality", reports Marc Büttgenbach, Sales Director Labels and Consumables at Bizerba. However, the product range does not just include royal decorative labels but also multifunctional labels such as those with RFID function. These can be seen from 26th February to 2nd March 2011 at the EuroShop in Düsseldorf (hall 6, booth E56).

Linerless labels: improve your ecological balance and contribute to theft protection

For retailers, positioning itself as an environmentally friendly and sustainable company is included in strategic success factors. With Linerless labels, companies can improve their ecological balance: Linerless is an endless tape which is self-adhesive on the back. Therefore, classic backing material is omitted and thus waste too.

Each receipt can vary in length corresponding to the size of the respective purchase. The retailer can print out additional information such as for the perfect accompanying wine or a recipe directly on the label. In this case, the list of ingredients equally becomes a shopping list. "The labels also replace traditional staplers and contribute to theft protection: you can seal up the bag and prevent further products from being added but not paid for at the till“, explains Marc Büttgenbach, Sales Director Labels and Consumables at Bizerba.

Pre-printed receipt rolls allow 25 % more labels

Bizerba supplies receipt rolls which are pre-printed in colour with the customer's company information. The scales only have to print the variable product data on the thermal paper, the name of the retailer is either transparent as a watermark in the background or vertical on the lateral edge. "The marginal additional costs for the coloured receipt rolls“, continues Büttgenbach, "are counterbalanced with the space saving: as the retailer no longer has to print his logo on the end of the receipt as beforehand, he can print around 25 % more labels with the same length of roll."

Impedes illegal repacking of high value goods: TE labels with seal function

TE labels with seal function increase the theft protection: when opened, the label is damaged in a highly visible way so that it is virtually impossible to repack the goods illegally at any point of the supply chain. Particularly exclusive food products and high class non-food items (permanent products or promotional goods) are protected in this way. The seals can still be applied easily and flexibly in branch.

RFID labels: transparency along the entire transport chain and protection from copies

The increasing networking of suppliers, business partners and customers leads to an increasingly complex transport chain. So that transparent communication between all involved parties and a quick identification of the products is possible, all data must be inextricably linked with the product. RFID will again acquire increasing importance here as key technology in the next few years.At the Bizerba label production plant in Bochum, the opportunity has been created to apply the transponders for RFID and RF under existing labels. "The customer orders his labels as usual and receives RFID as an additional function on request without a second label being necessary“, continues Büttgenbach.

On trend: Foil labels

Foil labels offer transparency: the goods can be clearly seen in all unprinted areas. More and more customers are showing an interest in these type of labels as it demonstrates trustworthiness to the customer. This increases loyalty to the brand.

Multitalented label for retail trade– informs, seals and protects

Traditionally, packaging is equipped with different price labels, information labels and decorative labels. An alternative process, so-called C-Wrap labelling, enables all content to be displayed on only one label which borders the product from three sides and thus forms a "C“. This process opens up an array of benefits to the user: in display processes with several labels, more frequent roll changes are necessary correspondingly. By displaying all the product information on only one label, the number of roll changes and the storage costs are reduced.

About Bizerba

Bizerba is a leading, worldwide-operating Solutions-provider offering professional system solutions in scale, label, information and food service technologies, in the retail, food industry, producing and logistic segments. Sector-specific hardware and software, high-performance network-compatible management systems as well as a wide selection of labels, consumables and business services ensure transparent control of integrated business processes and high-level availability of Bizerba-specific performance features.

Worldwide, Bizerba is present in over 120 countries – with 41 shareholdings in 23 countries, as well as 54 country distributors. The company’s headquarters, with a staff of 3,000, is located in Balingen, Germany. Further manufacturing facilities are located in Meßkirch, Bochum, Vienna (Austria), Pfäffikon (Switzerland), Milan (Italy), Shanghai (China), Forest Hill (USA) and San Luis Potosi (Mexico).

For enquiries, please contact:

Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG
Claudia Gross
Director Global Marketing and Communication
Wilhelm-Kraut-Straße 65
D-72336 Balingen
Telephone +49 7433 12-33 00
Fax +49 7433 12-5 33 00
network integrated communication
Patrick Schroeder
Coburger Straße 3
53113 Bonn
Telefon +49 228 620 43 84
Telefax +49 228 620 44 75