

Gökcelik Celik Esya San. ve Tic. A.S.

40 years of Gokcelik

HOW MANY DAYS EQUAL 40 YEARS? 40 years of Gökçelik Though it seems a long time, it’s only as long as the flicker of pleasure on the faces of our customers & employees.

If you had worked hard for years, stood your ground in the flow of life, kept a firm grip on the business and taken some big, daring, resolute steps that no one else had dared; looked forward every single morning instead of wallowing in the past; made sacrifices not only for yourself but for others... 40 years are innumerable. They can't be measured in days and weeks. If you wrote books describing those 40 years, there wouldn't be enough room on the shelves for them.

Gökçelik’s 40 years have passed in effort, labour, hope & enthusiasm; in always looking forward; in trusting ourselves above everything; in trying new things; and endlessly growing…