
Star Wars Episode VII is allover the media, there is no way to avoid it. Whether the new release will really be a box-office hit remains to be seen. However, what is certain even now when it comes to C-star 2016 is that its Episode II will be a galactic success! C-Star, Shanghai's International Trade Fair for Solutions and Trends all about Retail, was held for the first time in May 2015 and as early as six months away from its second edition, it can already report 25 % growth. This means, 3,800 m² have currently been booked (registrations correct as of December 2015: 3,052m²) and this also means that we have nearly reached the final results of the 2015 event (4,330m²) as of today.

Since demand from both Chinese and international exhibitors continues to be strong, the forthcoming C-star from 18 to 20 May 2016 will not just occupy one – like last year - but two exhibition halls: N4 and N5 of the New International Expo Center in Shanghai.